IRCTC payment cut+logout problem

On 26th Dec, these problems came:

  1. 8am payment cut + incorrect captcha problem
  2. 11 am incorrect captcha + logout problems. Buy without Aam Aadmi Tatkal it worked properly. So on 27/12/2017 please also run from browser without Aam Aadmi Tatkal
  3. Please send questions IRCTC is asking you during Tatkal. We will consolidate them and send it to you all.

२६ दिसम्बर को ये दिक्कतें आई:

  1. ८ बजे: पेमेंट कट गयी + incorrect captcha
  2. ११ बजे incorrect captcha के साथ logout भी कर रहा था! पर बिना आम आदमी के काम किया! 27/12/2017 को बिना आम आदमी के भी चलायें!
  3. कृपया IRCTC जो भी आपको पूछ रहा है हमें भेजें! इनको मिला कर हम आप सबको भेजेंगे ये सारे प्रश्न!

Our Office Timings

We are free after 12:30 pm. Please don't call between 11:30-12:15 daily. We always reply all the emails sent to contactus [at] bookrailticket [dot] com

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